Faith Formation - Adult

"Disciples young and old are called by name to go into the vineyard. In responding to this call, adults 'have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its fully developed form.' Their formation in faith is essential for the Church to carry out its mandate to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the world. Effective adult formation is necessary to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry. We are convinced that the energy and resources we devote to adult faith formation will strengthen and invigorate all the charisms that adults receive and the activities they undertake, in the Church and in society, to serve the Gospel of Christ and the people of today. Every Church ministry will be energized through a dynamic ministry of adult catechesis" (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, paragraphs 38-39).
Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us adds the following: "To teach as Jesus did means calling and equipping all Christians of every age and stage of life to fulfill their baptismal call to holiness in family, Church, and society -- their mission to evangelize and transform the world into a more caring and just society. Ongoing faith formation is essential to accomplish this mission; it does not end at Confirmation or graduation but continues until one's death." Our parish has many opportunities for continued spiritual growth and development for adults. Click on the particular adult faith formation program below for more information, or call Meggin Sanner at 541-571-8402.
• Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
• Prayer Chain
• Everyday Life Retreat
• Benedictine Spirituality Group
• Lay Carmelites
• Parish Resource Library
• Young Adults
• Adult Bible Study
• Coming Home
• Rachel's Vineyard Ministries / Post-Abortion Healing
• Charismatic Renewal and Prayer Meeting
• Parish Mission
• Marian Prayer Group