Lent Begins Soon!

Ash Wednesday is March 5.  While not a day of obligation, many like to attend Mass. 
Here’s the Ash Wednesday Mass schedule:
6:30, 8:00, 9:45 a.m., noon, and 5:30 p.m. in English and 8:30 p.m. in Spanish.

During Lent, daily Masses are at 6:30 and 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Thursday Adoration is from 8:30 a.m. to noon. 
No Thursday evening Adoration or confessions during Lent because we have Mass.

On Fridays, soup suppers are at 6:00 p.m. in the  Gathering Space; Station of the Cross are at 6:45 p.m.



Immigration policy – and the current deportations - are issues of grave concern.  To help us form our understanding, Msgr. Champoux recommends
reading a letter from Pope Francis to the U.S. bishops and visiting the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website on Catholic teaching and migration. 
Click the pictures below to read the Holy Father’s letter and reach the USCCB site.  











Bishop Tyson has also released a homily addressing the immigration issue; scroll down for that link.  
You’ll also find information on another issue of concern in Washington state.



Our offering to God is vitally important; it is part of our response in gratitude to God and it keeps the work
of the parish going.  Please continue to contribute!  Online giving is easy and secure; click on the icon at the left
to reach our online giving site. 


2025 Annual Catholic Appeal:  The ACA helps our Bishop support programs throughout the diocese that are beyond the means of individual parishes.  We rely on everyone to contribute as we are able. Our online giving link includes an option for the ACA.  Thank you for your help!


As of March 1, 2025:

**what's new? Ash Wednesday and Lent schedule; Sunday bulletin*          

Please click here to read Bishop Tyson's pastoral letter, based on his homily from Sunday, Feb. 2 (the Presentation of the Lord)

Another issue of concern to Washington State Catholics is a bill currently under consideration in the state legislature which could remove clergy/penitent privilege. 

HB 1211 and SB 5375 (Concerning the duty of clergy to report child abuse and neglect).

The Senate passed SB 5375 out of committee on Feb. 5. It is now in the Senate Rules Committee awaiting assignment to the full floor for debate. Also on Feb. 5, Sen. Phil Fortunato released SB 5665 (Reporting child sex abuse) which makes clergy mandatory reporters but also provides the needed exception for the confessional. Please contact your state senator and ask him or her to oppose SB 5375 and support SB 5665 which will protect children and religious liberty.

Here are links where you’ll find more information and opportunities to respond:

Voter Voice: https://www.wacatholics.org/be-an-advocate/action-center?vvsrc=%2fRegister

SB 5665: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary/?BillNumber=5665...

Contact your Senator: https://app.leg.wa.gov/pbc/bill/5375

Bishop Thomas Daly of Spokane also released a statement on the legislation:  https://www.inlandcatholic.com/news/sb5280-statement-647wn


Livestreams are available for weekday and Sunday Masses. 

  • Weekday Mass:  Monday through Friday at 8:00 a.m.
  • Sunday Mass:  recorded during the Saturday Vigil  

Watch these broadcasts here: Christ the King Adult Religious Education channel!


Our Sunday bulletin  is available in several locations on our website, including here, as well as www.parishesonline.com


If you are unable to attend Mass in the church owing to health concerns but would like to receive the Eucharist, please contact the parish office.  We’ll be happy to bring the Sacrament to you.




We, the Christ the King Parish community, are the Body of Christ called to gather for worship, cherish the traditions of our faith, witness the Gospel, minister to others, and be Christians in the world.







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 Parish Office Hours: 
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
In case of an emergency that requires a priest after hours,
please call 539-9972.