Are you a returning Catholic? Come Home to Christ the King Parish
1111 Stevens Drive
Richland, WA 99354
Phone: 509-946-1675
Fax: 509-946-9940
Emergency: 509-539-9972 Contact Us
Adult - Coming Home: A Program for Returning Catholics
Do you know someone who is alienated from the Catholic Church, or someone who may wish to reestablish ties with God and the local church community? Re-awakening one's faith alone can be difficult. If you know someone, or are yourself interested in finding a place to begin again, consider the Coming Home program.
This program is intended to be a journey of sharing together in the rediscovery (or discovery) of the true roots of our faith: a loving and forgiving God. Many of us also left our Catholic faith, some because of alienation, some because of hurt, some from broad dissatisfaction. The reasons are as varied as we are. We returned, again for many reasons, but always with someone's help. We offer you a loving hand and ear. Together we will travel through the process of understanding our Catholic faith and finding the merciful, caring Father who is our God.
This series will meet Monday nights beginning in January and discuss beliefs, questions and concerns in a comfortable, respectful setting.
Please e-mail Gretchen Sarrazolla or call her at 940.1021 for more information.