
The Visitation Ministry serves parishioners who are not able to attend Mass and regular parish services due to injury or illness. The visitation team carries the Holy Eucharist to those who wish to receive it, provides fellowship of the church to the homebound, and provides grief support where applicable.
Ministry to patients at Kadlec hospital, whether by a priest or a member of the pastoral team, is by request. Please call the parish office, 946-1675, during office hours, or the emergency number, 539-9972, to let us know of your needs.
Members of the team also visit residents at their homes and at the following facilities:
Brookdale Meadow Springs
Guardian Angel
Prestige/Richland Rehab
Brookdale Richland
Brookdale on Torbett
Richland Life Care Center
Bonaventure (Riverton) on Bellerive
Communion services are offered weekly at Brookdale Meadow Springs and Riverton.
We welcome opportunities to visit with all who are confined by illness or disability, and we welcome those who feel that they could reach out to others in this ministry! To arrange for visits or to find out more about our programs, please contact the Parish Office at 946-1675 and leave a message for the Visitation Ministry coordinator. You may also email Betsy Owczarski who coordinates the Visitation Ministry.