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Frequently Asked Questions

Can people of other faiths attend services at Christ the King?

They can, they do, and they are welcome. Most often, people from other churches come here for weddings, baptisms and funerals. Some people of other faiths attend regularly with their Catholic spouses. We do ask that only practicing Catholics receive Holy Communion, since this is a very sacred sacrament of initiation and ongoing unity with Christ and within the Church (and not simply a symbolic meal, as is the case among some religious groups). 

Are the Sunday Masses different in style from one another?

As is the case in most Catholic parishes, Masses tend to acquire a certain tone or style over time, although the essence does not change, and even the stylistic differences are not all that notable. Our Saturday 5PM Mass tends to be a little more quiet and contemplative, similar to the Sunday 8 a.m. Mass. The 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Masses are more contemporary and seem to attract young families. The Traditional Choir sings at 9:30, the Contemporary Ensemble sings at 11:30.  The 5 p.m. Sunday Mass, especially during the school year, is a “Youth Mass”, but a whole range of people are drawn to it. 

How do I become a Catholic?

The best way for most people is a way that dates back to the earliest centuries of Christianity. It’s called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), and is a yearlong introduction to the Catholic faith through a series of classes.  RCIA culminates in the ancient rites of initiation on the Easter Vigil. There is a similar, though simplified, program for older children. For further information, contact one of the priests or Jacque Loynd at the parish offices.  We also offer an Inquiry Class for those who simply have questions about the Faith.  Call us for information

How do I have my child baptized?

The baptism of children is a custom that dates back to the beginning of the Church, and is based on the faith of the parents who are to become the first Christian teachers of their children. Parents can schedule a date for the baptism through the office, but first we  require parents to attend a baptismal instruction class offered at 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. 

So how do I register in the parish? And what happens when I do?

Come into the office and fill out a simple form. Or call us and we’ll mail it to you.  You will a copy of our parish bulletin, and a list of all “key” contact people in the parish.  You will receive a call from our Welcome Committee, and later we will send you envelopes for ease in making Sunday contributions.

What kinds of relationships do you have with other churches?

The Catholic Church has made cooperation with other Christian churches (and with non-Christians as well) a priority, taking seriously the words of Jesus “that they all may be one” (John 17:21). This includes occasional cooperation on projects, work with patients in area hospitals, and social gatherings. We try to work with whatever religious communities are willing to do so.

Does Christ the King offer children and young people an alternative to what they see in the world around them?

That is something we take very seriously. In addition to a fine, Catholic grade school, and a comprehensive religious education program, we also offer a youth group, a youth Mass, and a young adults group, along with a host of activities aimed at young people during the course of the year.

Can I just approach a priest to talk?

Of course. People do it all the time after Mass, for instance. But for more in-depth conversations, it’s best to make an appointment. If they can’t help you, they can refer you to someone who can.

I have young children and can’t get day care. How do I go to Mass?

Children are always welcome here. After all, we believe it is the House of their Father. But if children are being fussy, we have a  “cry room” where parents can take their children, still hear and see the Mass.  We also offer a nursery during the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses on Sunday morning, and a Sunday preschool at the 9:30AM Mass..  At any rate, our parish is full of parents and grandparents who are or have been in your shoes. 

I’m Catholic by birth, was baptized, but I have not practiced the faith and know little about the Church. What could I do?

There is a group especially designed for persons in your situation, the ¨Catholic’s Come Home” group. The idea is to meet you where you are and to help you “catch up” in an open, respectful way.  RCIA (see question 3) is also a good option.  And there’s a whole host of adult education and Bible study opportunities.  Perhaps the Inquiry Class would be a good choice.

I’m divorced. Can I be part of the parish?

Absolutely. Talk with a priest. Because of all that a divorce involves, the sacrament of Reconciliation may be necessary.   If you were married, have divorced and then remarried, you can still participate in parish life, although you may be asked not to receive communion until you have worked out your marital situation with the Church. The marriage Tribunal handles hundreds of such cases each year, and, after investigating, often can issue a decree of nullity or of “freedom to marry”, allowing the second marriage to be convalidated or “blessed.”

I think my home is in another parish. But I’m interested in Christ the King. Is that acceptable?

Our parish area includes in all of Richland and West Richland, but people do attend from other areas and, conversely, some people from here are regulars at another parish. Although it is, in general, a good idea to attend and help build up the parish where you live,  people often have good reasons (family, language, friends, etc.) for attending and even registering elsewhere. The important thing is to foster spiritual growth and build up the Body of Christ.