Before a child is brought to be baptized, we require that the parents be registered members of our parish (or have a letter from their pastor granting his approval that the baptism be performed at this parish) and that they attend our baptism class. The class is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the children’s chapel of the church. Registration for the class is not necessary, and there is no fee. This class is a prerequisite for parents wanting their infants baptized.
Baptisms at Christ the King are usually performed privately on a Sunday, after one of the morning Masses, but other arrangements may be made. Contact the parish office after taking the class to schedule the baptism. Godparents must be practicing, confirmed Catholics.
If your child is older than seven and wants to be baptized, or if you are an unbaptized adult, call the Religious Education Office at 946-1154, ext 22; we can help.